At Cribit Seeds, we strongly believe in the importance of land stewardship and giving back. We have committed to making a difference both in our local communities and abroad.
At Cribit Seeds, we strongly believe in the importance of land stewardship and giving back. We have committed to making a difference both in our local communities and abroad.
Wintermar Farms (1989) LTD. - Sustainability Report
This report provides an overview of our impacts on the environment including greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and our efforts to minimize them and become more sustainable. First, here is some context. Wintermar Farms (1989) Ltd, is a family-owned farming operation founded in 1965, located in Waterloo Region, ten minutes north of Waterloo, ON. Our crop production is focused on pedigreed seed under the Cribit Seeds brand and grains for on-farm processing under the Wintermar Grains brand…
In 2023, Cribit Seeds supported of #TreesforWoolwich. Township of Woolwich Environmental Enhancement Committee (TWEEC), planted trees on our property as part of the initiative.
Trees for Woolwich started in 2011 with the goal to plant 1 tree for every person in Woolwich, totaling 23,000 trees.
The 23,000th tree was planted here in Winterbourne where we had 40 junior students from EDSS planting trees. They planted 160 trees from 6 different species.
Cribit Seeds also donates barley to Ontario Christian Gleaners and Reapers of Hope.
These organizations create dried soup mixes that are assembled by volunteers which are sent around the world to help feed the hungry around the world.
Click the links below to learn about the great work that these organizations are doing:
Cribit Seeds is a supporter of the Kenyan Kids Foundation, which is a non-profit organization that invests in Kenyan cooperative development for education, health and economic vitality.
2024 celebrated the 10th anniversary of volunteers in Canada working with small scale Dairy Farmers in Cherengany, Kenya.
If you would like to learn more about the Kenyan Kids foundation, click on the link below:
Food Bank of Waterloo Region
House of Friendship - Shelter Care
Kenyan Kids Foundation
Mennonite Central Committee Ontario
Lissard House
Mennonite Economic Development Assoc. (MEDA)
FIDA Cooperative - Haiti
The Working Centre
Haldimand Norfolk Women's Shelter
Woolwich Counselling Centre
Doctors Without Boarders
Farm and Food Care - Maple Syrup Festival
St. Mary's Hospital - In Memorian of Robert Snyder
Waterloo Rural Women - Children's Farm Safety
Wellington County Plowmen's Association
Conestogo Fire Fighters Breakfast
Alzheimer's Society
Reapers of Hope
Christian Aid
Ontario Christian Gleaners
Elmira Quilt Auction - Certificates for Seed
Conestogo Public School Silent Auction - Lawnseed
Accaster Forage & Grain Competition
Calvary United Church
Woolwich Community Counsel - Mental Health
Woolwich Memorial Arena - NHL Honourees
Woolwich Youth Soccer Program
Farm & Food Care Annual Sponsorship
Elmira Theatre Company
Riverside Public School Fun Fair
Waterloo Soil & Crop Improvement
Grand River 4-H Program